
Dienstag, 28. Dezember 2010

Letter to my sisters

Dear all, esp Evita

I have come to the decision, that it is time to go. Whenever I will be needed, I will be there, but from now on you have to get along without me. Maybe I come back one day for good, only Aion knows. But for now my ways lead me to distant rivers, trying to sooth my mind and sort things out. Until then - if it happens - Evita shall take over everything, I'm too tired, exhausted and disappointed about everything, so I shall rest.

May the darkness grant you peace.

Love, Vita

Mittwoch, 10. November 2010

long time not seen

oh dear,
so much has happened, I totally forgot to tell you...

with me moving out, Evita took over on Spatalos, she did really well... after some time I got so homesick, I could barely move on Telemachus, and that's when I went home

I felt a bit weird, laid aside in a way... but yesterday everything has changed, I finally managed to not dissapoint Kvasir again


I feel so much better now!!!

Mittwoch, 29. September 2010

Moving away

Today is a sad day... I moved out from Spatalos... leaving my sisters alone, but I'm sure Evita will take good care of them...

Will make me a new home on Telemachus for now, following my dear friend, sadly there is already a pesky Elyos holding my name, so I guess I will add an "a" to it for now...

if this is permanently, only time will tell....

31sA697, the char formerly known as Vita - Spatalos

Montag, 19. Juli 2010

I'm exhausted

Last weekend was so much work, so many Sieges, so much fighting... and in vain...

This morning I finally decided to get the Summon Noble Energy Stigma, I changed my Stigma Tree now to the aggressiv, still have to get used to it, as I sometimes forget I don't have the Advanced Healing Skills, but noble energy is a good new friend :-D I like it

Ah yes, and I finally got my Drazma Mail, though now I'm broken, I'm happy... looks good together with Fenris boots, I hope I manage today to talk to Levinard and listen to his story, and then meet with Lonergan, and after the Purification Ritual by Balder I will hopefully get the Gloves too... (that is, if I can make some money til then)


Mittwoch, 7. Juli 2010

Happy Cleric

Yes, finally!!! I did it... my 5th Dark Poeta run, first with a real non-legion group - and finally better, scored B - I am sooooo happy... so many people helped me to become a better Cleric, I had so many seminars and instruction hours... I think I'm on the right way....

Montag, 28. Juni 2010

Desperate Cleric

I fail! I fail so much... gonna give it all up, I'm useless, junk, can't even keep a party alive in Dark Poeta - I give me a month, if I don't see good results, I give it up, retire, concentrate on crafting... oh why, oh why....

Mittwoch, 16. Juni 2010

Hold the front line

Oh well, I was soooo afraid when they told me we had to protect Kargate (Evita has told me about it before, poor thing died while she was doing that and though she is a clever one, for an Assassin, she forgot her tombstone and therefore failed although the rest of the party succeeded), and the shame when we failed the first time, but we got a second chance and this time we took reinforcement with us... as hard as we failed just the three of us, the easy it was doing it in legion with 5 level 50ies... oh the joy afterwards...

Weird thing though, they sent me to Munin once more... Ishalgen looked desperate, well might have been that everybody was asleep, it was rather late at night, Munin sent me to Skuld for a Spirit Blade Design... now I have to gather the components for that... we will go gather some this evening in legion, I already prepared some dishes for the journey and whatever we may encounter on our way to Dark Poeta

Dienstag, 15. Juni 2010

Finally 50!

So it's done, I reached the magic level of 50... it was a rather strange situation, I helped an Elim getting some trico horns and deliver them to his brother, and while I was doing it I was constantly invited to some groups, hard to make clear that I wanted to level before I do anything else...


Life as a cleric sometimes is really hard (if people die, it's all your fault, never their own... I don't know why they don't stay in range for groupheals), maybe I just take a break, I definitly need a holiday, Brohumir is a really nice place with some rude neighbours, but then my Legion wants to take a look at Dark Poeta, how things are going there, and I really want to join them, though it's said to be a dangerous place

Freitag, 11. Juni 2010

Pirate Vita :-D

finally got this loooooooovely hat, don't I look great?? It's sooooo hot :-D Had to persuade Devahanson to hand it over, it took me all my female skills but now... :-D but see for yourself

Mittwoch, 9. Juni 2010


I'm a level 49 Cleric, eldest of the 8 sisters, trying to finally level up to 50, to enjoy the fun of lv 50 instances with my legionmates. Currently I'm levelling in Brusthonin, at the moment I'm trying to get this Daevahanion Hat, that's why you can mostly find me at the Black Pearl. My hobbies are sieging and hunting down named Mobs. I'm an expert handicrafter and cook, but focussing on handicrafting now, one of my Sisters will take over cooking soon. Until then I keep preparing the finest dishes. I'm not so much into PVP (except sieging), so I don't look for it actively, but sure will defend myself. I love grouping with my favourite Sin and I really do hate PUGs that caused so many of my deaths. My best friend is the Soul Healer.


my AION experience

Spatalos - Asmodae

Aktuelle Beiträge

over a year later....
time has passed - things are changing soon, NC Soft...
starion - 28. Jan, 03:09
Letter to my sisters
Dear all, esp Evita I have come to the decision, that...
starion - 28. Dez, 14:14
long time not seen
oh dear, so much has happened, I totally forgot to...
starion - 10. Nov, 11:15
Moving away
Today is a sad day... I moved out from Spatalos......
starion - 29. Sep, 11:20
my new pets
starion - 9. Sep, 13:22

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